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Global guests gain insight at Harmeny

Over the last few weeks, we have had the pleasure of sharing our knowledge and expertise with three international visitors to support their training and research into therapeutic care and education.

Ryuji Takeshima and Craig Paul (Residential Service Manager)

International Student Placements

Liana and Madeline on their last day of placement

In May, Liana and Madeline from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire spent two weeks with the Education Team and our Carlton and Kingfishers classes as part of their studies in Education.

During their placement they learnt more about our therapeutic model first hand and saw how it informs education and our curriculum.

Liana and Madeline described their stay as “really insightful, and the first time we’ve been able to see the benefits of a therapeutic approach to education. It’s been invaluable!”

Japanese Scholarship Winner Visits

Ryuji and Kerr Sproul (Outdoor Education)

Harmeny also welcomed Ryuji, a Child Care Residential Worker from Nara, Japan who visited as part of a three-month tour of the Netherlands, Germany, Scotland and the USA to explore how other countries practice residential care. This trip was granted by the Japanese government as a scholarship to conduct this research. Ryuji met with many of the team over his two day visit, learning about Harmeny’s Here4U project to support young people after they leave Harmeny’s care and also spending time in the cottages with the children.

Ryuji reflected on his visit saying: “The natural setting made a wonderful impression on me when I entered Harmeny and I am empowered by the passion and kindness from so many people for their work.”

All three visitors were hosted locally by staff at Harmeny with Ryuji saying a run in the Pentlands with our Service Manager Craig was one of the highlights of his trip!

Visit from Miles Briggs

Another guest, closer to home, was Miles Briggs, MSP for Lothian Region and member of the Scottish Parliament’s Cross-Party Group for Care Leavers.

Miles recently visited Harmeny to hear about our work and how our Here4U project provides ongoing support for care leavers who have lived at Harmeny.  Miles enjoyed a tour of our school and cottages, and met some of our remarkable children, young people and staff.

Thank you to all our visitors, we hope you got a great insight into the passion and dedication at Harmeny.